The Gray Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce


Try RTT, Be All You Want to Be!

RTT Helps
by Amy Lawson, MBA, CDFA®, RTT Practitioner®, C.Hyp

As human beings, we learn from repetition. Therefore, because this post continues the discussion on dealing with our sh*t, I’m going to begin by repeating the first paragraph of my last blog post:

Out of love for ourselves, and for the others we love, we deal with our sh*t. Self-aware women know that if we don’t deal with our sh*t, the other people in our lives will pay for the sins of the hurtful, the neglectful, and the downright cruel words and deeds of those who have crossed or shared our paths.

There are several modern, scientific modalities of psychotherapy – ways to deal with our sh*t – with modern, traditional talk therapy being the most popular, perhaps because it has been around the longest.

According to Wikipedia, the first psychological clinic was opened in 1879 by German physiologist, philosopher, and professor, Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt. Dr. Wundt was the first person to call himself a psychologist and is widely held as the “father of experimental psychology.”

As a flawed individual, I am far, FAR from perfect, but can comfortably say that I uncomfortably acknowledge and bravely deal with my sh*t. I’ve squirmed through talk therapy during more than one period of my adult life, with the latest stretch lasting more than ten years.

My Journey To Wholeness

I’ve come a looooong way since I bravely walked through that first therapist’s door, sat uncomfortably on that first sofa and nervously told a total stranger for the first time that I did NOT love my father and I wasn’t sure if I loved my mother. That’s a HUGE acknowledgement for any son or daughter, but especially from a southern girl reared deeply in the Bible Belt and fed daily doses of guilt and shame for daring to question God, or an adult, for any reason. For a very long time, I fully expected the God of my childhood to strike me down at any moment for breaking the 5th Commandment – Honor Your Father and Mother.

Over time, many tears, and tons of contemplation, I learned that it was OK to not hold my abuser and the enabler of my abuser (which also makes the enabler my abuser) in high esteem even if those abusers brought me into this world. But, most importantly, I learned that it was my duty to myself to protect myself from people and relationships that were abusive.

While I benefitted greatly from talk therapy, I reached a place on my journey to wholeness where I could go no further. It wasn’t because I’d reached some pinnacle of self-awareness or enlightenment mind you, but because I just was unable to move forward. I felt stuck and frustrated and weary from the hamster wheel of years of engrained negative thinking and could not scale the mother of all the walls I had faced, the wall called, I AM NOT ENOUGH.

Finding The Truth

As I continually reflected upon my journey, I understood intellectually that I had bought into this lie heaped upon my head by those who claimed to love me the most, but I didn’t know how to rid my mind of that lie. I had read hundreds of self-help books, emptied dozens of pens writing countless journals (I ultimately shredded all the journals in the event someone would read them and erroneously conclude I was mass murderer material), and talked, and talked, and talked, but the lie would creep back in.

In frustration, I turned to my friend,, and perused the self-help section and stumbled upon a book entitled, Tell Yourself a Better Lie, by Marisa Peer, an internationally recognized therapist from the UK. Thrilled that it was available on Audible, I quickly downloaded the book, popped in my earbuds, and absorbed Marisa’s words as I went along my daily tasks.

While reading Tell Yourself a Better Lie, I discovered another of Marisa’s books, entitled, I AM ENOUGH. It, too, was available on Audible and before I’d even finished it, I knew I was going to try Marisa’s Rapid Transformational Therapy, or RTT, as I had nothing to lose.

Though Marisa’s website, I found Pippa Hancock, a clinical hypnotherapist in London, who was trained by Marisa in the RTT method. I reached out to Pippa, explaining that despite my success and +10 years of talk therapy, I had struggled with the belief that I am not enough my entire life and that I was ready to shed the lie and see in myself what the sane members of my family, my friends, colleagues and countless clients see, i.e., I AM ENOUGH.

Here Are My Questions, Along With Pippa Hancock’s Answers

1. What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a type of hypnotherapy that combines elements of hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It aims to help individuals overcome negative thoughts, behaviours and beliefs through entering the subconscious mind and positively changing the way they you think and act.

2. When was RTT developed?

RTT combines many techniques such as ‘Transforming Therapy’ which was developed by hypnotherapist Gil Boyne (1924-2010), Gil created the first program which was regression based, along with other methodologies including psychotherapy, psychology, CBT, NLP which were brought together by hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. This technique has been taught since 2015.

3. How does RTT work?

RTT works by accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis. The therapist guides the client in a trance-like state, using NLP and CBT techniques to identify and change any unwanted negative thought patterns, behaviours and beliefs that are causing health issues. During the therapy session, the therapist may ask the client to recall a specific memory or past experience that is related to their issue. Techniques are used to identify the root cause of the problem and better understand the underlying belief that is causing it, together with the therapist those beliefs are altered to become more positive ones.

4. On what types of issues can RTT be used?

RTT can be used to help a number of issues such as anxiety, low self-esteem & confidence, depression, addiction, weight loss, stress management, insomnia and more.

5. How effective is RTT?

RTT is a relatively new form of therapy and the effectiveness of RTT hypnotherapy is still under research, however early reports are showing positive results. Every individual is different and what works for one person may not work for another. The effectiveness also depends on the skill and experience of the practitioner, so it is important to find a qualified and experienced, advanced RTT therapist.

6. Do you offer consultations?

Yes, you can book a free consultation call with me via my website,, or you can email me directly at

7. Can RTT be done over Zoom?

Sessions can be done online over Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. The effectiveness of the session is no different from seeing me in-person.

8. What can someone expect when they engage your services?

A typical session with me lasts three hours. In the single session, we discuss the issues you have been experiencing, how they are affecting your day-to-day life and what the outcome is you’re looking to gain. Roughly you will be in a guided hypnosis for 90 minutes, whereby I use techniques to recall specific memories or past experiences that are related to the issue and identify the root cause of the problem. I finish a session with a personalised self-hypnosis recording that is tailored for each client’s individual needs, the audio is sent to the client, and they are encouraged to listen to this daily for 21 days. I also provide a 21-day support service whereby you have direct contact with me, I act as a sort of mind coach encouraging you through this period of change.

You Are Enough

Dear friend, you are worthy of having the future YOU desire, a future filled with doing the things you love with those you love the most. And, while I’m not disparaging talk therapy, in my opinion, the Rapid Transformation Therapy, or RTT, that Pippa offers provides an empowering springboard for creating the future you desire by not only breaking the engrained patterns of thinking that keep us stuck, but by also replacing the painful, false, negative thoughts that often rule our emotions – and thus our lives – with positive, truthful ones.

Why not try RTT? What do you have to lose, except the lie that you are not enough? That’s worth shedding, is it not? You got this.

Wishing you peace & plenty of new positive beliefs about yourself!

Your gray girlfriend,


About the Author

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Amy Lawson, MBA, CDFA®, RTT Practitioner®, C.Hyp

As a divorced baby boomer, Amy, an independent investment advisor since 2001, formally expanded her services in 2016 to help older women navigate the daunting financial minefield of divorce after meeting numerous smart, well-educated, divorced women who lacked the funds to secure their financial futures.  She understands that for older women facing divorce, achieving an equitable divorce settlement is the first step.

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